Our Story

It all started at Windsor High School back in the day when the owner Liam joined the WHS Electrathon team. For those unfamiliar, Electrathon cars are a purpose built, high efficiency electric "race car". The competitions took place at the famous Limerock Park in Connecticut, where schools from around the state went head to head on track, seeing whose car could complete the most laps off a standardized battery. 

Anyone familiar with racing knows that weight loss = free power. This is the industry's own theory of relativity! That said, carbon fiber was the answer. At the young age of 16, Liam taught himself the basics of composites work - everything from making plugs from scratch, fiberglass split molds, and wet laying carbon.

Flash forward quite a few years, now with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and Motorsports Engineering from Purdue University, and a diverse resume in the racing industry, Liam bought his first Mustang; a 1966 GT. After having done a full mechanical restoration on the car, he thought it was lacking that extra pazzaz he was after - the panache everyone wants to set their car apart. Searching for trick aftermarket parts to give his car that extra spice, he came up empty handed.

Then it dawned on him literally while taking a shower, so they say. Why doesn't he make his own parts, and give the people what they want? He had the know-how, and the experience - so why not give it a shot? Sure, you can buy carbon hoods and bumpers from the big names, but nothing really in the trim and accessory aisle. And that ladies and gents, in a nutshell, is how Foreman Fiber Worx came to be. 

And while we put out feelers across social media platforms to see what new products you folks would like to see from us, please feel free to shoot us an email with any of your thoughts and ideas!